Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This logo is abstract, this logo is my favorite because its simple but yet it catches your eye, it pops.It has school colors and has  a good shadow.

Monday, November 30, 2009


I chose the sunday logo, its for a high end bmx company. IT has letters and looks like a hot air balloon. The colors are pretty much purple but there is also blue,yellow,green,orange,magenta,light purple and white.It doesnt really make me feel like anything, just makes me want to go bike. The logo has changed once to a little comment bubble with sunday written in it.

Monday, November 23, 2009


My pictures are very boring in my opinion shane wasnt very excited to take pictures if you can tell.I chose shane because him and i are good friend and he usually has a good sense of humor and likes to joke around and so do I i thought i should pick him to make things interesting.I learned that shane is very good at halo and isnt very humorous when playing .The biggest challenge was that shane didnt want to take pictures and just wanted to play halo and relax.My favorite photo is the one behind his ear because it shows that he is playing a video game and has a cool light reflecting towards the camera.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My goal this quarter is to get all B's and above. You could take a picture and have you dressed differently than you regularly dress and make a stereotype of yourself.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The first photo is named NEFF,The second Photo is A Walk In The Park. Red Tree. Fourth Pink Disc. Fifth Red area.

I chose this location because there are pretty trees and disc gold discs to photograph.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Decriptive review

I see a messy kitchen with pots and pans behind a simple flower. I also can see some sort of fastfood in the bag. Why are the bowls stacked neatly and on the counter why wouldnt they be messy to fit the theme. I think the photographer is trying to show even in the messy places  there can be pretty things.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Your the bees knees.

My idiom is"you're the bees knees."I chose to make the design like this because my idiom means like you very high on the chain so i used a gold room with money and a big wine glass so show superior expectations.

Big wine...,2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

I found out  that if you get on the ground and put the camera pointing up and if you put it at an angle it makes it looks rounded or like a road in the photo that you take.It will teach me how to use the camera and how to take cool shots.

Monday, October 5, 2009

This is a dutch angle photo, and it is asymmetry.I take this picture in my back yard by my garage. This is my favorite picture because the rims are green and the grips are a keyboard and are blue-ish purple.I would name this photo "Purple bike."

Monday, September 28, 2009

 I chose this photo because it looks the best in my opinion.It is the best because it is close up and a little above eye level and you can see almost all of the flowers. The light source is coming from the left side. the pumpkin and the flowers are on the left side and they are spaced out and its empty but has a warm feeling.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

About Me:I am very interested in baseball. I play football for the high school c squad team; I am defensive end and we are 2-1.I am hoping to be in the MLB when i am older but it will take a lot of practice and dedication to get that far.I dont really watch movies but i really like gran torino.
I will listen to pretty much anything my friends like or I find.I am taking this class because I like photography and i thought it would be fun.